Piano Update 2

Piano Update 2

This second week of May has been an exciting one. I spent the first half in Florida on business and was fortunate enough to have Thursday and Friday off to enjoy slack lining and biking back in KC. Thursday was special because I conquered a fear that has plagued me for the last seven years, but more on that here, this post is about the keys.

I have been so exited about other things, the piano seems to have taken a backseat in all the chaos. But that stops now.

I recently learned a great strategy for making yourself more successful. Do not make those crazy to do lists with 20+ items on them. You know the lists I’m talking about.

  • Clean desk
  • Walk Dog
  • Buy eggs
  • Cancel subscription service
  • Respond to email
  • Call Craig
  • Wash dishes
  • Take out trash
  • Water plants

I’m not saying these aren’t important tasks.But you know your are going to walk your dog and call Craig. If you find yourself making a to do list just so you can cross things off, it may be time for a change.

Instead, choose one or two important tasks that you know you must finish by the end of the day. Then put all of your focus into accomplishing only those tasks. Without extra items cluttering up your list, you are free to spend the time where it is most needed. Imagine if your lists looked like this instead.

  • Practice speaking french over skype
  • Replace one meal today with a salad

Does that look easier to you? Numbers wise, you won’t be “accomplishing” as much, that’s only two actions done vs nine on the first list. But aren’t those two actions adding more value than the nine?

This ties in perfectly with the fundamental minimalist idea of eliminating the excess to highlight what’s important. By getting rid of that intimidating to do list and compacting it to what really matters, you have changed the definition of success and therefore can achieve what you want much faster.

So, that being said. I will be prioritizing piano first this week. I will practice Straight No Chaser first thing when I wake up in the morning. Then I can go about the rest of my day with boosted self confidence knowing I have already accomplished something.

 Here is the practice station! It’s a bit overdue but better late then never.Piano Practice