Who is this guy?

Who is this guy?

Welcome to Windows to the World!

My name is Michael Schuch (shook like hands) and this is my slice of the internet. Broadcast through your computers, tablets, and phones; your personal windows to the world. On this site you can expect to find essays and journal entries from me, a baby adult in the writing world. This is where I post thoughts, opinions, pictures, short stories and even some rhymes that help keep me motivated throughout the journey. I hope that they can add something to your life as well.

Growing up in the Midwestern United States I had an interesting childhood. I won’t dive too deeply into the specifics, but I was never good at school and didn’t go much anyways due to illness. After being told by society that once you finish high school, you go to college, that’s what I did. I only had two criteria for what kind of college I wanted to attend, and I should have taken that as the first warning sign. First, it had to be a large university. My graduating high school class contained only 51 students and if I had to go to more school, it needed to be with way more people. Second, the school needed to be located next to mountains. I had only been to Colorado twice in my life and Utah once. All three times to go skiing, but that was enough for my young mind to know there was something about altitude that was inspiring. With those two criteria in mind, I applied to only one school, the University of Utah and began classes in Salt Lake City the following year.

As you may have guessed, school at the U didn’t last long for me. A formal education is not how I learn best. My knowledge to this point in life has all been gained through experience and experiments. What was confirmed out west was my love for not only the mountains, but the entire outdoors. Quickly getting into hiking, camping, biking, skiing, exploring and discovery of nature, I found that it truly was my happy place. Utah happens to be one of the most beautiful and awe inspiring natural landscapes on earth, and I feel as though I stumbled into it on accident.

I currently work in Park City and am in the midst of one of many fun and challenging life experiments, living out of a van. It is a constant learning experience and was something I never thought I would end up enjoying. Turns out it is quite fitting for my current place on the path of life. There is still a lot of learning for me to do, but that’s what makes life so great. The fact that you can always learn and grow more. Feel free to follow my growth documented here, and join in on some of the weird challenges to come. Challenges are always more fun together.