

Today I found myself laying down on the couch after a long bike ride. Eyes closed, chest and legs heavy, high on the bliss of a good workout. It was in this moment that I felt something different, something new and oddly peaceful. Contentment.

The true thought of not wanting a single thing in the world. No desires, no needs, just pure enthusiastic joy that this moment is enough.

Contentment is hard to come by apparently, as I have only just felt it today, my 9,359th day of life. Perhaps I’ve felt it before, when I was less aware of my place in the world, but it never managed to resonate as strongly. This moment of bliss was incredibly impactful as it has sparked my awareness on one of life’s simple pleasures. Knowing that you already have everything you need to be happy.

My entire being accepted that my life in this moment is enough. I need nothing more to complete my existence than what I already possess inside myself.

We should seek out this feeling more actively. Whether that be through meditation, more exercise, or time with good people. We need to start working together more and letting each other know that we are enough.

You are already everything you need to be. You are beautiful. You are perfect because you are you. There is no need to fear judgment or harbor feelings of jealousy or greed. You already have within yourself all you need to be happy.

I give credit to Leo Babauta at for planting this seed of contentment in my mind and inspiring me to write this post. Thanks Leo!