

I highly prefer to write at night. You could call me a night writer. It doesn’t come with a fancy car that talks to you, but I do have a pretty sweet salt lamp that keeps me company. Today however, after an early start in the morning I am going for the mid afternoon session. Don’t worry, the salt lamp is still here.

Dallas was going to be today’s topic, but after two paragraphs it really got out of hand fast. Now is not the time for rants. The world man.. I don’t know about it sometimes. What I do know is that I love people. That seems to keep me quite happy. Maybe if there were more people who loved these creators of violence it wouldn’t happen. I’d have given them a hug. Still would. Free hugs are the future. Am I right?

There are like minded people wherever you go. You just have to be aware enough to notice them. Now, there may be certain geological locations with denser populations of like minded individuals depending on what your into. I love the outdoors, and states such as Colorado, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, and Montana tend to have more people that agree with me about that. I also believe that nature carries with her, the ability to promote self reliance as well as a sense of purpose and well being. She’s good like that. So even if you weren’t awesome before you moved closer to nature, it has a unique way of making you awesome if you choose to embrace it. People CAN change, I know I have.

If you haven’t ever hugged a tree, try it out. They don’t bite. But they do have bark…… Oh boy. I should stop before this gets too sappy. I will end with a quote from Rene Daumal that I once saw in the Colorado Museum of Mountaineering.

“You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know.”

Cheers to knowledge.