X Marks the Spot

X Marks the Spot

Have you ever heard of  Jerry Seinfeld? Did you ever wonder what made his comedy and his show so successful? I know I have. Jerry was a master of comedy because he knew the power that lies within daily repetition. Everyone one successful will tell you that they didn’t get to the top because of one lucky break, or a single momentous event. They got there by doing the work, every day, even when they didn’t want to or felt too tired, or unmotivated to do so. The chipped away at the walls in between them and their dreams and eventually they broke through.

Jerry’s method consists of buying a large calendar that contains everyday of the year on a single page. He would hang this calendar in a prominent location where he would be forced to see it multiple times a day. After he had worked on his comedy for that day, he would cross it off the calendar with a big red X. Showing himself that he had done the day’s work. One mark didn’t look like much, but after a week or so the streak started to add up. The longer the streak becomes, the harder it is to break and the more motivation you have to do your task that day.

Today is a day that I am not feeling the want or desire to write. I put it off until the last part of the day when all I want to do is sleep but I cannot break my line now. This is why I put a calendar up on the right column that has all the days of the month on it. I have no set goal on when I am going transition this from an everyday blog to something more interspersed but until that day comes I will be filling the days on that calendar with my own red X’s.