The complications of this journey have been just and swift. The car failed backing out of the drive way, I didn’t spend the night in Colorado, and I did not split my driving days equally. It turned out perfectly. The car was fixed by family the same day it broke when it could have taken a week in an unknown shop, I tested sleeping in the van in western Kansas (super comfy), and I still arrived on Tuesday. Bonus, my back started feeling better the instant I hit elevation in the Rockies, and I could have asked nothing more of my first day back in the state of which I am so fond.

It doesn’t matter how much planning goes into a task, project, or goal; inevitably, something will go awry and we will have to improvise in the moment. I believe in structure when put in proper proportions but after enough mishaps and wall collapses it changes the way you view your future plans, and how mu

The future is like that next far off peak in the distance, looming on the horizon, waiting to be conquered. You must be active in your pursuit of this next peak by taking one step at a time towards it no matter how far off it may appear. There are no shortcuts to your future, no airplanes, hot air balloons or hang gliders. The only path is to put one foot in front of the other every single day, and know what each step contains, the weight it bears in the chain. One step making little progress, but when joined by thousands of other steps, your journey begins to take shape. Without those statutes of structure however, that far off peak will always be saved for “some day”.

These words, “some day” are mighty dangerous. They present the future not as a concrete object with a matching patch to reach it, but instead, as an obscure, vaguely formed mountain far in the distance, a structure-less objective, thrown into the abyss of “some day” that never seems to arrive. When you want to develop good habits in your life, and especially your future, you have to avoid planning for “some day”. Details and structure must be included in your future timeline or you will never reach your true futures potential on the horizon.