

Of all the days I have felt like not writing, this one is at the top. It is also the day that I most need to write. It is difficult to continue a habit when you mistakenly prioritize other things over what is truly important in life. Today I finally arrived in Salt Lake, and must remember what my priorities are.

Writing is the most important thing for me to do. I must write every day to be successful in my pursuit of the future. I have been slacking on that task this week as I have been enjoying my life to the fullest in the southern reaches of the state. Coming back to Salt Lake only reminds me that I have changed over the past year of absence. This city may still be the same, but I am not. Growing in a positive direction is paramount for me at this precarious moment. The actions that I am taking will indeed define me and I know that writing is the best tool I have to further future change.

My life is becoming more valuable to me as everyday passes. One less day to enjoy the beautiful earth we are so fortunate to be gifted with. To live life to the fullest and spend an equal time documenting it is a difficult task indeed. But a task I have chosen purposefully for myself. I wish to write because it is freeing, it is teaching, it is strenuous. Of all the thoughts running through my head on a daily basis, the need to write is beginning to take its intentional place towards the top. Now all that’s left to fuel is the desire.