Fun and Done

Fun and Done

Starting new jobs always excites me. The rush of learning new skills, meeting new people, and the unveiling of what goes on behind the scenes to make an industry work. Today the hotel industry becomes demystified. Have you ever wondered how to make a room key for a hotel, or how they manage to provide WiFi to certain rooms but not others? I know these sound like terribly boring mysteries to most of you, but they have always fascinated me. What I like most about learning a new industry is how it will change my future interactions with it.

Eating at a restaurant now is an entirely different experience than it was six years ago before I started working in one. After working with children and knowing teachers, my memories of school as a child are completely changed. Never before working on a construction site did I understand why so many of them smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco. I do now. The learning of all these different jobs has allowed me to connect and empathize with such a diverse amount of people in life. People I never understood before, now make complete sense to me; their actions made clear through a shared work experience.

Gaining this experience throughout the different industries has brought me more joy in life than I would have imagined. Some people are very content with the jobs they have and stay in them for decades. This is no longer the common theme, with average number of career changes laying between five and seven. People are often changing their paths every one to three years. I am right there with them. I have never held a job for longer than a year. A fact that would drive some people crazy with insecurity and fear of the unknown. But for me it is different. I love learning new things, changing jobs is one of the best ways I have found to do that. Making mistakes is an amazing way to learn quickly. Once you have worked somewhere for a year, you have made most of the mistakes you can learn from in that field. So in my eyes, its time to find a new field of fresh mistakes to make.

Well today I entered another new field. Ripe with all kinds of new mistake made learning opportunity. Time to have fun, grow, and learn about another industry and the people who make it work.