

No matter where you are, no matter what you do, change is constant. It will be there day in and day out. Change is inevitable, so why do we always fear it? New things can, and often are better than the previous versions. Technologically I am guilty of fearing change. I do not see us moving in a positive path towards technological freedom. To me, it appears more like the computers will be running us soon if we aren’t careful. But that isn’t the point of this post.

Life is fun. It’s a roller coaster, no matter who you are, it has its ups and downs. You will get thrown for a loop-d-loop in your life at least once. It is how you come out of these disorientating experiences that truly define you. It is never the highs in life, but the lows that you choose to stand up from that define you.

Tonight I sit precariously perched in an odd set of circumstances. Professionally, I am very comfortable, sitting atop a curve on the coaster, looking at the next hump across the valley. This precious perch however, is juxtaposed by the current condition of my health. It’s in the connecting valley. A valley I have spent so much time in, I could walk around blind, giving an accurate tour of the flora and fauna of the area. For that reason alone, I am confident I will get to that next peak sooner then later.

When you travel a path in the woods for the first time, it is excruciating. Breaking vines, scraping your legs on the thick brush, unmasking your face from cobwebs. But the more you travel that path, the more familiar and cleared out the route becomes. By the twentieth time you have to walk down it, you know its ins and outs; the ups and downs that make it a challenge in the first place. This is where I lay in the valley of health. A clear and familiar path. I will make it out of these woods soon enough. I just need to be patient in the process.