Combined Imagination

Combined Imagination

Recently I have been doing a lot more writing in journals about personal matters, and a lot less writing online. What I am currently trying to accomplish with my writing is growth. For that to happen, I have been giving myself small assignments of things to describe or make up (yes, I really am giving MYSELF homework. Never thought I’d see the day…) Describing a building as Hemingway, seeing only a person’s pair of shoes, and writing about the kind of person they are attached too, intricately detailing the journey of the beans that made my cup of coffee, or telling a story the way an inanimate object would view it. I find these challenges difficult and extremely entertaining. The end product is always a fresh new lesson in what I can improve on, and the journey along the way is a blast.

What I am asking in this post, is for you all to generate some ideas for me to write the next post about. It can be about anything under the sun, or the sun itself, anything goes. What do you want to hear a short essay about? Ants eternal struggle against the magnifying glass? The magic inside nutella that makes it good on everything? Jim Carey’s hair in Ace Ventura? Perhaps why the word moist makes so many people cringe as if they are hearing nails on a chalkboard. Your suggestion could literally be “paint”. Although I know there is more imagination than that out in the world. If you can imagine a funny idea to hear a story about, I want to combine my imagination with yours to write it.

The car whizzes by, the hockey goals come back onto the street, and the ball is dropped. “Game On.”

(just no stairway to heaven, that’s the only rule)