Color Coded Carrots
A strange transition has been occurring over the last five days. I have been working weekends, staying up late, waking early, going over countless details and ideas during my day. Instead of waking up in the mornings to pee, I wake up to do research and edit pages. This job to which I am referencing, is a job I don’t have. It is a dream job that eludes me like a carrot on a stick.
Conversations of craziness run through my conscious mind about this carrot. “I want that carrot! You already have a nice mound of hay, can’t you just be content with that? NO! I want the carrot and I’m going to get it! You really think you can? Hell yes I can. I know I can.”
On my first solo backpacking trip long ago, I began talking to myself to fill the time. After confessing this to a good friend and asking if it was odd, they told me “You can talk to yourself all you want, its when you start answering back that you have a problem.” By that logic I must have a problem and I see only one solution.
That’s right. I must get the carrot.
I can only hope this random story of questionable sanity reaches the right readers. Who are the right readers? If your a little crazy too than you may already know the answer. They’re holding the stick.
Well captors of the carrot… I may not color code all my excel sheets, but you’ll never see me with color coded ice cream outside of lunch hours either. I’m much more interested in carrots.
Fellow carrot lovers